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Dominican Republic
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Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
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Acevedo, Matias & Bethany
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Barrantes, Salvador & Veronica
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Bartley, Greg & Candace
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Battle, Madison
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Bock, Paul
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Bueno, David & Marianella
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Clayton, Jeff Roman
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Clayton, Jennings
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Conrady, David & Becky
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Cotes, Joel
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Craiger, Tim & Ginny
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Difren, Sadrac & Sarah
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Donohew, Brian & Bonnie
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Faulkenberry, Ashley
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Fitts, John
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Flores, Dilia
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Gordon, Don & Deb
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Grooms, Chuck
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Hansen, Ryan & Megan
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Hodge, Mignelis
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Holland, Randy
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Johnson, David-Hoss
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Jude, Erica
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Kemp, Kelly
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Kenol, Fritzgerald & Janelle
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Kern, Cal & Sherrie
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Madison, Keith & Sharon
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Marun, Hector
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Matute, Ruben & Keila
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McClure, Craig & Joanna
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Merrill, Ben
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Mora, David & Hannah
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Nilsen, Bob & Anna
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Ogle, Catherine
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Ogle, Kristin
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Pastor Francis
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Pastor Santiago
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Pimentel, Guiberson & Julia
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Puello, Joseymi & Katerina
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Revelo, Rigo
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